To the beautiful bride to be, 

Congratulations! You're engaged, or soon to be. Next stop. . . bridal dress shopping. Yes, stressful - we know. But we're here to help.

Lets be real, bridal fashion is changing. Trends come and go as fast as PSL's come and go in the winter (Starbucks hint hint*). With the ever so changing fashion trends every season, the bridal industry can't help but to be influenced as well. Is this good or bad? We're not sure, but we definitely love being adventuresome with new trends as much as we love sticking to our classic traditional styles. 

Here's where we help. We simply don't cram hundreds of dresses on our racks to choose (and confuse you) from. Instead, we provide you with a curated selection of under 200 of the finest gowns from all over the world that will make you SHINE on your wedding day. We've narrowed down some of the greatest gowns of the season for you so that you don't have to.

So don't worry about whether or not you've got the most beautiful or the most "in" dress of the year. We've got that covered. Just come in our boutique, bring your loved ones, and let one of our stylists help you find the perfect dress for the biggest day of your life. 


Kora Brides